Guitar picks

Guitar Picks: Our Guide

Last update 6/2/2024

When it comes to playing the guitar, every guitarist knows the importance of finding the perfect guitar pick. It’s a small but mighty tool that can profoundly impact your tone, technique, and overall playing experience. Guitar picks, small yet indispensable tools in the arsenal of most guitarists, serve as the crucial link between the player and the guitar.

The choice of guitar pick can significantly influence a musician’s sound and technique. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the multifaceted world of guitar picks; we touch on their history, types, materials, shapes, and thicknesses. Furthermore, we will give out takes on how to select the best pick for your playing style.

Guitar Picks: A Guide

Whether you’re strumming an acoustic or shredding on an electric, the right pick can unlock new levels of expression and creativity. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of guitar picks, breaking down the key factors influencing their sound and feel. We’ll explore the differences between sharp and rounded pick tips, the significance of bevels, and the variety of available materials, shapes, and thicknesses.

Guitar picks assorted
Guitar picks assorted

With a friendly and simple approach, we’ll guide you through choosing the right guitar pick for your playing style and preferences. We’ll also provide insights into the best guitar picks for lead and rhythm playing, recognizing that different styles demand different characteristics from a pick.

Additionally, we’ll share valuable tips on striking the balance between comfort, tone, and playability, encouraging you to experiment and fine-tune your choice until you find the pick that feels like an extension of your fingers.

We’ll also address the importance of avoiding gear acquisition syndrome (G.A.S) and share some fascinating insights into the guitar picks used by renowned guitarists. Let’s dive in and discover the perfect pick that will elevate your musical experience to new heights.

Sharp vs. Rounded Pick Tips

When it comes to guitar picks, one crucial thing to consider is the shape of the tip. Picks can have either a sharp or rounded tip. A sharp tip produces a more precise and focused sound, while a rounded tip gives a smoother and warmer tone. It’s like the difference between a pointy pencil and a rounded marker. The choice between sharp and rounded tips depends on your personal preference and the style of music you play.


Bevels are tiny angled cuts on the edges of guitar picks. These beveled edges can affect the way the pick interacts with the strings. Bevels can make the pick glide more smoothly across the strings, reducing friction and allowing for faster playing. They can also enhance the attack and brightness of your tone. Some picks have multiple bevels or different bevel angles to provide various tonal options. Bevels are a neat feature to look out for if you want to customize your sound.

Guitar Pick Jim Dunlop
Guitar Pick Jim Dunlop

Different Types of Guitar Picks

Guitar picks come in various materials, shapes, and thicknesses, each offering a different playing experience. Common materials include plastic, nylon, metal, and natural materials like wood or bone. The shape can range from traditional teardrop to jazz-style picks.

Thickness affects the flexibility and stiffness of the pick, which influences how it feels in your hand and how it interacts with the strings. Experimenting with different types of picks can help you discover what suits your playing style and preferences.

How to Choose the Right Guitar Picks

Choosing the right guitar pick is a personal journey. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. Start by considering your playing style, the music you enjoy, and the sound you want to achieve. Medium-thickness picks are an excellent place to start if you’re a beginner. As you gain experience, you can try different thicknesses, shapes, and materials to find your ideal pick.

Remember, what works for one guitarist may not work for another, so trust your own judgment and try different options until you find the pick that feels right for you.

Best Guitar Picks for Lead Playing

When playing lead guitar, precision and speed are essential. Many lead guitarists prefer picks with a sharp tip and a thinner profile. These picks allow for accurate string articulation, making executing fast runs and intricate solos easier. Picks made of materials like nylon or celluloid can provide a nice balance of flexibility and control for lead playing.

Dunlop Tortex .5mm Red
Dunlop Tortex .5mm Red

Best Guitar Picks for Rhythm Playing

Rhythm guitarists often focus on providing a solid foundation for the music. For this purpose, picks with a rounded tip and a thicker profile can be beneficial. The rounded tip produces a mellower tone that complements chords and strumming. Thicker picks offer more resistance, allowing for a stronger attack and better control when playing chords and rhythm parts.

Striking a balance

Finding the perfect pick is about balancing comfort, tone, and playability. You want a pick that feels comfortable in your hand, produces the desired tone, and allows you to play effortlessly. It’s a personal preference, so feel free to try different picks until you find the one that feels like an extension of your fingers.


Feel free to experiment with different picks. The world of guitar picks is vast, and countless options exist. Try picks of other materials, shapes, thicknesses, and brands. You might be surprised by how a small change can make a big difference in your playing experience and sound.

Avoid Extremes

While experimenting is encouraged, it’s also essential to stay calm. Avoid going to extremes by constantly changing picks. Give yourself enough time to get used to a particular pick and see if it truly suits your needs. Constantly switching picks can hinder your progress and make developing a consistent playing style challenging.

Keep on Tweaking

Even after finding your favorite pick, tweak and fine-tune your choice. As you grow as a guitarist, your preferences and playing style may evolve. Revisit different picks occasionally to see if they still resonate with you. Remember, the perfect pick for you today might differ from tomorrow’s.

Control Your G.A.S (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)

Guitar Picks - The beatles
Guitar Picks – The Beatles

Regarding guitar gear, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly buying new picks in search of the holy grail. While it’s exciting to try new things, it’s essential to control your gear acquisition syndrome. Focus on developing your skills and connecting with the music rather than constantly seeking the next best pick. Remember, the guitarist, not just the gear, creates excellent music.

Guitar Picks of the Greats

Many legendary guitarists have their preferred picks that have become iconic. From Jimi Hendrix’s thin tortoiseshell pick to Eddie Van Halen’s customized picks with his signature stripes, they have become symbols of their playing styles. While it’s fun to explore the picks used by your favorite guitarists, remember that you may need something else. Find inspiration in their choices, but be bold and forge your own path.

Closing Thoughts

Guitar picks may seem like small accessories, but they play a significant role in your playing experience and tone. Take the time to explore different picks, be open to experimentation, and trust your instincts. Remember, the best guitar pick is the one that feels right in your hand, allows you to express yourself, and brings joy to your music. So, strum, pick, and rock on!

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